Sunday, July 26, 2009


1.5 miles to go!

Walking along the water is Southie. Feeling good. Nilda and her husband Sean are walking with us and the love is all good! More later.


Thank God for the flatness of Cambridge. It rained a little bit but it's looking good now - just overcast which is better than direct sun. We are at a pit stop on Mem Drive by MIT and the breeze coming off the Charles is super nice. I am drinking a ton and peeing every 5 blocks it seems. I don't care if that's TMI, I'm not getting dehydrated today.

The cheering station at Cambridge City Hall had a lot of folks at it which was great. The Youth Corp is so pumped at this pit stop so the spirit is good. We are grabbing snacks, water, gatorade and Sherri changed her socks. We are moving right along!

That's HIVES not gives

Hard to type when your hand looks like that.

Good morning Day 3!

Starting the day out excited, ready, and ABSOLUTELY COVERED IN GIVES! Seriously? Wish me luck. Sherri and I are just laughing at this point!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


More pics

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Pictures from day one

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Now that I have my credentials back and Sherri and I are back together again and pumped for tomorrow, I want to remind you to check out the Spectator Site. Since I am blogging mobilely (is that a word?) I can't put the link in but if you look on the side bar ------>
you should see old blogs listed. The link is in "Calling All Spectators" and "Here's the Mail". Closing Ceremonies are so powerful and tomorrow's route is a great way to get into the city on a beautiful day. Email me your number if you want me to update you on our location.



I am sitting here at camp while Sherri showers. Last night while I was making a grand spectacle of myself, she picked up my camp mail. So I am sitting on the turf field in the late afternoon sun, drinking my water and reading all your amazing cards and letters. It is so quiet and peaceful here now and the breeze is making the tents take long, deep breaths in and out like they can feel the life and hope and spirit here. To have this moment alone with your letters is making last night's ordeal a thing of the past. The letters and cards are a perfect mix of love and laughter. Each one so clearly carries your voice. There are hugs, reminders, chants, and cheers...hysterical clip art and pictures...and smiles!

Thanks everyone! I hope folks can make it out to the route tomorrow to cheer for the amazing people who will be one Day 3! The route will go from camp (Gann Academy in Waltham) into Cambridge, through Harvard and MIT, and through Boston into Southie for closing ceremonies at UMass. The theme this weekend for Teachers for Ta-Ta's has been "How do ya like them apples?". Maybe someone can forward this link to Matt Damon and he could meet us at Harvard?

Thanks again.

Hey, did I mention how impressed - am with Sherri? She looks awesome!!

Cruel joke

We drove the last leg of the route. It starts with a mile or so up hill. It's a huge hill. Just passed Sherri. She has made it up the hard part. Now she has to go down hill which at mile 22 on day 2 is NO good on the knees. I am heading into camp now to get my medical clearance. More later...

Go Mom Go!

Sherri looks great!

The cheering stations are so awesome! Everyone is so friendly and enthusiastic. Someone shared hula hoops with the kids. My husband was even shakin' it at one point. Those of you who know him can probably guess that he is not a very good hula-hooper but he is entertaining!

We met up with Sherri's family. My daughter and her girls handed out stickers to the walkers to put on their lanyards (something that happens throughout the route). Her husband also brought freeze pops that her son and daughters handed out. Sherri's family has been so good to me and encouraging through this all. It was great to also see her brother in law and his beautiful bride. Thanks for all the support, you guys! My kids and husband loved hanging out with you today.

Are we there yet?

My kids are AWFUL in the car! They wine, fight, and "are we there yet" until I become the sitcom parent threatening to pull over. "I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND AND THEN YOU'LL REALLY BE IN TROUBLE!"

Usually we play various dreadful car ride games but today on the way to the cheering stations I resorted to telling the kids to watch and see if they could find Sherri along the way. My oldest "found" Sherri a number of times. Unfortunately, the first time we were in the Pike and thesecond we were on 128. "Maybe she got lost.". That would be all she needed. We did get a good laugh which is what I need today.

Off to cheer!

Are we there yet?

My kids are AWFUL in the car! They wine, fight, and "are we there yet" until I become the sitcom parent threatening to pull over. "I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND AND THEN YOU'LL REALLY BE IN TROUBLE!"

Usually we play various dreadful car ride games but today on the way to the cheering stations I resorted to telling the kids to watch and see if they could find Sherri along the way. My oldest "found" Sherri a number of times. Unfortunately, the first time we were in the Pike and thesecond we were on 128. "Maybe she got lost.". That would be all she needed. We did get a good laugh which is what I need today.

Off to cheer!

Belmont Hill

Sherri called from pitstop 1 a little over 5 miles into Day 2. They started out with a bear of a walk up Belmont Hill. She hooked up with a friend of hers so is not walking alone - my big fear. I am resting up so I can cross that finish line with her tomorrow.

So maybe 'fine' was the wrong word.

So despite doing everything that my 6 months of training taught me, and despite following the "eat, drink, pee" rule at all the stops. Despite ending up in the medical tent to lie down for a few and drink some more at lunch. I ended the day on Friday with a trip to the ER. "Severe Dehydration". I honestly cannot figure this out b/c I was keeping track of how many times I refilled my water pack and thought I was drinking what is recommended (around 32 oz) per hour. I think the hard part is that it was a damn monsoon and pretty chilly at times so you don't feel thirsty. Based on the amount of water and Gatorade that I had, the doctors had no real explanation except that I am run down b/c of the gallbladder, etc.

I ended up making it all the way to camp (19.7 miles) before I near passed out, which was good, I guess, that I was not on the side of the road somewhere. But that also meant that the whole scene, including the puking, was done pretty publicly. They took me away on a golf cart to the medical tent for IV fluids. It was quite a sight. Sherri was amazing. She got all the gear, set up and decorated the tent herself to try and make it nice for me when I returned. She sat with me, missing a spot in line for the showers. And she did everything to put me at ease when they decided to send me to the ER. I felt so awful leaving her there alone. She just kept reminding me that obviuosly the whole point of the event is to keep people healthy. She assured me that with her personality, she would meet people to walk with. She later had an opportunity to meet folks when she stood in the shower line for
over an hour. : (

The rockin' all volunteer medical staff were so great. They said if 2 liters of fluids did not do the trick I would need to be treated at the hospital. By the time I left the hospital after 9pm Friday night, they had given me 3.5 liters of IV fluids, some glucose, and some anti-nausea medication. Even when leaving, my blood pressure was still only 94/50. I still can't explain it. I think my body is just used to being fat and sedentary?

So when you get sent to the hospital, the 3-day staff "red cards" you. They remove your credentials from your lanyard and replace them with a red card. Despite this being consistent with my personality, it sucked! In order to get back into the event, you must be cleared by medical staff. The ER doctor and I agree that I will take Saturday off and head back to camp Saturday night with the intent of walking on Sunday.

I will take it easy today, drink up, and head to the cheering stations. I spoke with Sherri this morning. She slept well and is feeling good. She is ready to hit the road at around 6:30. I will be cheering my socks off for her today! I will also be thinking of the rest of the mylar blanketed, hobbling folks who joined me at the hospital last night. Tomorrow will be another chance.

Me lying on the ground at camp waiting for Medical Staff:

Red Carded...I cannot believe I let pictures be taken.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I am fine

Dancing with a man in a kilt at mile 16.2.

Ended up in the damn medical tent with dehydration (read: a case of stupidity) at lunch (mile 12 +). More on this later. Just wanted Emma to know I am okay.


12.3 miles done, some food in our bellies and we're listening to "Men with Heart" an all male team sing Pretty Woman. We are drying our feet, changing our socks, hitting the portable johns and we'll be off.

Last pit stop before lunch

10.5 miles. More than half way there. We are 2 miles from lunch and should hit the Newton cheering station b/t 1 and 1:30. My feet are shrivled and uncomfortable but no blisters yet. Hopefully the rain is done now. The first cheering station had only a few diehard (read: crazy) people. More at lunch...

Pit stop 2

7.7 miles in and the rain is picking up again. WTF? Sherri managed to score a flag to carry! Less than a mile to the first cheering station.

2 miles from first cheering station

It's been slow so far today but we're in Wellesley. Just passed Wellesley College and are 2 miles from Hunnewell Playground. Yey!

Pit stop 1

We are at the VFW post in Natick at 8:40 am. So far we are in good spirits but we are SOAKED! My first post didn't send this morning at opening ceremonies so I resent it now. We are moving slow because of the crowds and the rain. No good ETA for cheering stations yet. I will keep you posted. Here's the line for the throne.

Soaked freezing but ready

I cannot even describe this. We volunteered for this? Paid to participate even? We are just trying to keep our feet as dry as possible before starting. Wish you were here to see this madness. Remember when I said that nothing is even simple with Sherri and me? A Nor'easter? Seriously?

There's a little black spot on the sun..'s the same old thing as yesterdaaaayyy...

4:15 am and it is f'n pouring!

(Just a reminder that there will be spelling and thumb typing issues over the next 3 days).

Keep visiting! We know you are thinking of us!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ready to Roll!

No time to blog tonight. Gotta get to sleep. I will just quickly say that today I had lunch with my dear friend, Nilda. She, Sherri, and my mom are the survivors closest to me for whom I walk this weekend. I also walk for Bridget Slotemaker, who passed away last August. Being with Nilda always fills my heart, but today was an especially nice visit. She is the kind of friend who believes in you so honestly and genuinely that you cannot help but believe in yourself. Thank you, Nilda, and thanks to all of you who have called, texted, emailed, and Facebooked me today to wish me luck. I said earlier that I am hoping to bottle all the love and use it on my blisters later this weekend.

Tonight I leave you with the results of my evening in the kitchen, making, packing, and labeling 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and the ingredients for 2 dinners. Due to my food allergies and gallbladder issues, I cannot eat the catered food and I have to premake my meals. P-I-T-A! My mom is taking the dinner ingredients and prepping them to bring to me at camp so that I can enjoy a fresh cooked dinner each night. THANK YOU, MOM!

Okay...I am off!
Talk to you from the road!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pack Up Your Duffle...

OMG! The 3-Day is in 2 more wake ups. This week has been insane. Between work, stuff with the kids, and getting ready for the walk, blogging has been back burner these last couple of days - Sorry. Tonight, I had to pack because tomorrow night I have to prep my food. More on that tomorrow.

Packing...The 3-Day folks recommend that you pack using a duffle bag. Sherri followed directions (as usual) last year and hated it. You have to lug your crap all over the place at check in, camp, and closing ceremonies and she wished she had something with wheels. This works for me b/c I have the perfect sized suitcase with a strap on the outside for a garment bag. This is perfect for securing my sleeping bag to the outside of the suitcase (no bungee cords allowed).

We do have our own suitcases, but we sure don't travel much. In fact, if my mother had not purchased a luggage set for us as a wedding gift, we would be using my mother-in-laws vintage baby blue pleather set with the big ass press buckles. In fact the last time I was on a plane was my honeymoon eight years ago. So this is what the suitcase looked like when I pulled it out of the basement.

Embarrassing, I know. To make matters worse, while I was cleaning it off, my 3 year old says, "What's that?"
Hoping she meant the cobwebs, but knowing she meant the suitcase, I said, "It's a suitcase."
"Oh. What do you use it for?" she responded. Wow. I told you we don't travel much.

My daughter has been so excited about this 3-Day. She has expressed on many an occassion that she intends to be a cheerleader when she grows up and she has her own pink pom-poms for the cheering stations so she cannot wait. Every morning for over a week, she has woken up asking, "Is today the 3-Day Walk?" So tonight when she saw the suitcase, she realized something she had not really thought about. The tears welled up and the lip started to tremble...and then it happened. Like an air raid siren working up from a low whine to a full wail: "i don't want yOU TO GO AWAY FOR 3 DAYS!"

Oh brother. I quickly put the suitcase away, changed the subject and decided to pack after the kids were in bed. I cannot factor in the mom-guilt thing right now. I will cross that bridge of despair on Friday. Good luck, Honey!

So after the kids were asleep, I got to it. I got all of this:

Into this:

Everything is in zipper bags and then all the zipper bags are in giant zipper bags. This is because all of our gear is transported to camp and left outside. If it rains, you gotta hope you packed well. Luggage cannot weigh more than 35 lbs. I am well under and have saved room for the air mattress pump since Sherri already has the air mattress and 2 tarps (one for under and one for over the tent). I will spare you the details of what I have packed but I managed to get all my clothes, extra sneakers, flip flops, shampoo and crap, tent decorating materials, and a pillow into one small suitcase. Pretty impressive for someone who doesn't travel much!

I will also have this with me:

That little gadget on the right is a battery operated phone charger (Yes, my phone is pink...get over it). This will allow me to blog along the way. I will update folks on where we are and when so that if you are heading to a Cheering Station, you will have a better idea of when we are expected. I also have a list of people who would like text updates. If you would like to be added to this list, you can email me your mobile number.

Please remember to visit the Spectator Site. We would love to see you. And you can also read more on Sherri's blog.

More later...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Psst...over here (Gallbladder Update #3)

Psssst...can you keep a secret? You can't tell Sherri. I had another Gallbladder attack tonight. This one only lasted about 2 hours but it was NOT fun. I took about as much pain as I could take and then headed to the ER again. I was not going to let them take it out since I have the surgery scheduled and the walk is in 5 days. I was just going to drug seek! You know. Get a little something to take the edge off. Tylenol was NOT cutting it. But for the second time, I pulled into the ER lot. This time I got out of the car and headed inside as a wave of relief washed over me. I turned around and got back in the car.

I decided that I would go home and soldier up and if it flairs back up tonight, I will just drive around town until I find someone willing to sell me someone else's pain meds. I am sure the street value is lower than the ER copay. If that doesn't work, maybe I will just finish making t-shirts or blog some more.

You have to remember not to tell Sherri. She will worry. But she will also say, "It was those black beans. I told you not to eat the black beans!" You see, Sherri came down yesterday and we had an awesome day walking and getting pumped up for the 3-Day. You can read all about it in her blog. We designed and decorated team t-shirts for her and me and some for family members. We also got together our ideas and supplies for the tent decorating contest. We laughed so hard. I can't wait to post pictures. No peeking yet as you never know if the competition is reading.

Back to my point about the beans. I told you already that the surgeon gave me a DO NOT EAT list. Well beans are on it. I made a slammin' salad yesterday when Sherri was here but it had black beans in it and Sherri warned me. I told her that I have been so good about everything, I would be fine with the black beans. Well, I was right. The black beans were fine. It's the f'n Target popcorn I ate today that did it.

My daughter loves the stuff but I inevitably end up picking at it and today I "picked" at it by the fist full. The stuff is jaundiced with powdery "butter" flavor with I am sure is a milk product. Bad. I am paying for being bad, bad, bad.

So don't tell and I promise I will be careful about the DO NOT EAT list. I'm off to bed now because I have to work tomorrow and coffee is also on the list.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Intense, in tents

So a man goes to his doctor and says, "Doc, I keep having a terrible reoccurring nightmare. First I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam; then I'm a teepee; then I'm a wigwam. It's driving me crazy. What's wrong with me?" The doctor replies, "You gotta relax. You're two tents."

Holy Crap! 1 week. Tonight, a little bit of panic has begun to seep in and is, so far, mixing nicely with the excitement. Enough that I am just outside the "I think I'm gonna puke" zone but within the "Holy Crap!" zone. Sherri keeps telling me that I am more than ready for the 60 miles and I believe her (I think). I am not sure I am ready for the rest of it. Make no mistake. This isn't just a couple of days of walking...this is an emotional, heavy-duty, 3 days. You've seen the commercials. Maybe you've tuned them out - but think about why people are walking. Think about all the love, grief, sadness, hope, and power of it all. It's intense. So you take all of that head on, walk A LONG way, and then sleep in a tent. (Told you, it's in tents.)

Okay. There it is. I will admit it. I am a bit hung up on the sleeping in tent part. The physical and emotional toll is actually a blessing, because I will need the exhaustion. I don't sleep well when I am not in my own bed. We have an air mattress, and I like my roomie - but honestly, after walking that far, I am afraid I am just going to want my own bed. This is not like a fear of camping or a diva thing. It's just a "homebody" thing. I don't sleep well in hotels even. I am sure I will be fine but it has been a source of tent-sion.

I do like camping, or at least the idea of camping. But we heard rumor at the expo that we are sleeping on turf, so it's not going to be truly like camping. Maybe that's the problem. If we were building a fire and toasting up some s'mores, maybe I would be more at ease. If we were doing keg stands on the beach with a 5 foot bonfire, I would be in even better shape to sleep, but alas...

Maybe Sherri will spark up a flashlight and sing John Denver songs to me and I can pretend I am back by the campfire on a Camp Chickami overnight (circa 1984 - REPRESENT!)??

We are walking together tomorrow! Woohoo. Sherri is coming down to my neck of the woods and we will do 10 miles in the morning. Then, we will get our shirts ready and plan our tent decorating. There is a contest at camp for the best decorated tent. We have some ideas that Sherri talks about in her blog (congrats on hitting the $5000 mark, girlfriend!). What Sherri did not mention is the Rock Star competition. We may have to start prepping for that too. I will let you know if we will be singing at camp.

I love Pearl Jam. Maybe we'll sing a Pearl Jam song. Present Tense?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gallbladder Update #2

Saw the surgeon today. I LOVE him! He is funny, animated, and here's my favorite part, he's super sarcastic! I know this might be a turn off for some - sarcasm and scalpel - but it is so up my alley! So we scheduled the surgery for later this summer and he gave me a DO NOT EAT list to keep me healthy for the walk! It's not too bad actually, considering all that I cannot eat already.

Here is what I learned today...

A. There are 3 things that have most probably led to the sick gallbladder
1. having kids
2. significant weight loss
3. significant decrease in cholesterol levels

Seriously? These are my 3 biggest accomplishments! Figures.

B. There is a possibility that some of what has been considered by my other doctors to be food allergies/intolerances (can't have gluten, soy, or milk) may have been related to the sick gallbladder and there is a chance that having it removed may help this!!!!!!! THIS would be amazing! Pack up your stones, Mr. Gallbladder! You're getting evicted and Mama's having
an ice cream...
in a cone...
with jimmies!

Did you know that jimmies have soy in them - weird huh?

Yeah, I called them jimmies. That's what they are called! I don't care if you are family. You live in New York and therefore you just don't know what you are talking about!

THESE are sprinkles...

...and they are gross.

The surgeon also removed all exercise restrictions and just told me to "listen to my body". I told him that if I had listened to my body, I would not be in this mess because I would be fat, with high cholesterol and NO kids! : )

Thanks for checking up on me and the gallbladder situation. More later...

Monday, July 13, 2009

What time is it, Mr. Fox?

We have just begun week two of my summer job. I am working at 2 different camps. As you know, I work at a high school during the school year so I very intentionally work with younger kids during the summer (this year - mostly 6-9 year olds). It is something different and new. It doesn't feel like work most days and the rewards are huge (eww- cliché). I wanted to share some of the things I have loved about week one.

(1) One early morning, the door of a minivan opened and "Jared", with a larger than life smile and true enthusiasm, yelled, "GOOD MORNING, FRIENDS!" Everyone should start their work day with a greeting like this. Today I entered the lunch room and "Jared", with mischief in his eyes, announced that "Tracy" rhymes with "Crazy" and then got the most delightful case of the giggles.

(2) "Tiffany" refused to let an adult clean off a dry-erase board before she had a chance to show me her masterpiece. All I needed to give was a little high-five and she beamed like she had gold.

(3) "Jonathan", when confronted with the prospect of having to be sunblocked before going out to the sprinkler, politely stated that he "would rather not have to go through that routine again because Dad already did that this morning!"

(4) Today - the first really, really beautiful day in recent history (what is up with all the rain?) a coworker and I watched as "Lena" skittered, flit, and rambled across an open field after a little white butterfly. We continued to watch as four or five other children left the line that was getting ready to head in for lunch, to follow "Lena" in her dance.

(5) "Kimberly" drew a very special picture of Princess Tracy and her magical pet for me to hang in my office. Since I am traveling between 2 camps, I taped it to the dashboard of my "mobile office". Later, she too beamed as she got to be "Mr. Fox"...What time is it, Mr. Fox?...2 o'clock...What time is it, Mr. Fox?...DINNERTIME! Her excitement was palpable.

Now consider for a moment that the children I work with at camp are children with moderate to intensive disabilities. They have Down Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Developmental Delays, and so on. This can mean that (1) remembering to greet someone takes daily practice and is often done systematically and with little meaning. It can mean that making personal connections can be tremendously difficult...joking, playful teasing, and sarcasm can be far too abstract and confusing. It can mean that (2) learning to hold a marker to trace the numbers a milestone met in 2nd grade, not pre-K. It can mean that (3) touch is overstimulating and can lead to fight or flight reactions rather than calm words. It can mean that (4) the times when other children want to follow you into your own little world are rare. And it can mean that (5) instances of just being a kid and playing like everyone else are moments to treasure, soak in, and strive for.

I am so grateful for these moments and for all the incredible work done by the assistants and therapist who work one-to-one with these amazing kids each and every day. I am the Inclusion Facilitator but it is those individuals who give everything to make sure these kids are successful. I am grateful for the camps which work so closely with the school department to make inclusion work.

I am also grateful for the amazing families I am working with this summer. At the end of the day, I get to come home and turn off the teacher mode a bit. I can let my guard down; relax the structure. Families of children with exceptionalities are always "on". I often wonder if I would have the strength. I encourage you to visit a blog called Diary of a Mom so you can get a glimpse of the hope, the perseverance, the pain and struggles, and the love of one family who have been touched by Autism. It's powerful. Jess's writing is truthful, passionate, and is so full of voice that you will feel like plopping down on the couch with her and a cup of coffee (or a glass of wine) to chat about life.'ll be glad you did.

I went to the gym today for cardio. I did some running on the treadmill but won't tell you how much because I'm not sure what "taking it easy" looks like with running. If you ask me, there is nothing about running that is ever "easy". I feel good though...knock on wood. My knees are little sore, but no shin splints! I'll keep plugging along! Thanks for the continued support and thank you, Jess and Matt, for your donation, your trust, your willingness to sit on the same side of the table, and for your graceful tenacity. You rock!

Thanks for reading. More later...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Finding New Motivation

I know I have not been to the surgeon yet but I am feeling really optimistic on the health front. I took the "take it easy" advice this weekend as planned. The doctor decided I shouldn't do more than 10 miles at a time until the walk or until the surgeon tells me otherwise. My plan was to do 7 or 8 miles each day this weekend depending how I felt. I felt great! It doesn't even hurt when I laugh anymore. So I was able to do almost 10 miles both nights.

Saturday was definitely an enjoyable walk . The weather was so perfect, I was feeling good to be back on track after more than a week off. It didn't feel as boring as some of the long ones I've done. I also walked in the evening, which I rarely do and as it started getting dark it was just so peaceful. I usually walk in the morning before the day gets away from me or the couch gets the best of me, but I managed to dig deep and found some surprising new, end of day motivation to keep me walking. Sunday, I did the same route at around the same time. Again, I was feeling good and the weather was beautiful but this was after a long day out with the family and being up late the night before so I was dragging a bit. I may stick to mornings unless I can find that afternoon motivation again.

I can't believe that after so many months of training and blogging, we are less than 2 weeks away from the real thing. I was starting to get really sick of walking but I think I can find enough new tricks to keep things interesting for the next 2 weeks. Maybe I will try changing the route I walk. That may be too much effort though as I finally have a route I like that has sidewalks the whole way. Some of you may recall I had a couple of poorly planned routes that left me perilously hanging to the shoulder as speeding motorist forced me knee deep into prickers, PI and people's rhododendron.

Maybe I will start singing on my walks or reciting Shakespeare. Then the people of Metrowest will really think I am the nutty walking lady. I could always play the alphabet game - you know, like you do on long car trips...finding the letters of the alphabet on license plates. I also have about 3 hours left of the audiobook I am listening to and maybe I will download some news songs onto the iPod. (I only use one earphone so that I can still be alert to headphones is another 3-day rule like the no phones rule. Always pushing the boundaries of right and wrong...that's me!)

Anyone have other suggestions to get me through these last couple long walks? Feel free to join me. We can meet at my house. I'll even feed you! Hell, I can send you a map and some times and you can just pull up along side me and hop out of your car if you want! I'll take the company any way I can get it.

Maybe bragging will be a good motivator. Below are some pictures of the evil hill at mile 7 of this weekend's walks. I rock the hills!

from the bottom:

from the top:

Don't forget that you are a big part of my motivation during the real thing! Send those letters, make a poster, and head to a cheering station. Knowing that you are in this with me is what makes this all so exciting. I am never really sure who is out there reading...send me a sign!

Thanks for being out there! More later...

Here's the mail, it never fails. It makes me want to wag my tail...

From 3-day site:

Write a letter expressing your love and support to your walker, which we’ll deliver to them on the event at the 3-Day Camp Post Office. Send letters to:
Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office
P.O. Box 8534
Warwick, RI 02888
Envelopes only, please. No boxes or large packages (if you want to dress in a gorilla suit or jump out of a cake you should do that at the cheering stations). Mail must be postmarked no later than July 14th (that's THIS TUESDAY) in order to ensure delivery at the Breast Cancer 3-Day Camp Post Office.

I am not above begging for mail...PLEASE! Don't let me be the geeky kid at sleep away camp.

Don't forget to visit the SPECTATOR site.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Grab your pom-poms, air horns, and posters! The Cheering Stations have been announced.

I am getting more and more excited as the big days approach. I was pumped to find out opening ceremonies are in Framingham and now that the cheering stations have been announced, it is my guess that we will be following one of my training routes on the first day - the Boston Marathon route from Framingham to Newton! Wahoooo! The specific route is not announced but based on the cheering station locations, my guess is we will be taking Rte. 135 to Rte. 16 through Natick, Needham, and Wellesley. Even though we will hit Newton in the middle of the day on Friday, I am hoping to recruit students, Sherri and my colleagues, friends and family to head to the cheering station in my hometown!

Please visit the SPECTATOR INFORMATION page for more information.

VISIT NOW to find out how you can send mail to me and Sherri at camp. BUT HURRY because it has to be postmarked by Tuesday (7/14)!!

I will post more information soon on how you can get on an email list so that I can notify you when Sherri and I are nearing a cheering station. I will be following the strict "No Phones Allowed" rule on the route but will email from my phone at pit stops along the way to keep folks posted. This should be fun.

Gallbladder Update #1

I went in to have follow up liver function testing done on Monday. I got in touch with the gastroenterologist's office and they did not even see me but instead referred me to the surgeon. The nice lady behind the desk said this surgeon removed her gallbladder in January and she thought he was great. I have an appointment on Wednesday so I am confident that I will be able to wait until after the walk to have it removed.

I have thankfully not experienced any major pain since the incident in my last post. Most days I feel bloated and a general ickyness. I just don't feel myself and I am tired. Every once in a while I need to sit and if I laugh too hard it hurts. I am being really careful not to eat fatty or spicy food (I love spicy food - so this makes me sad). I actually felt great yesterday and went to the gym for the first time since the gallstone night. I was able to do an hour on the elliptical and was feeling really great. Today I wasn't so hot again but I am hoping to walk tomorrow. My doctor told me to "take it easy" until the walk, so I will not be doing the scheduled 18 miles tomorrow. Maybe I will try 7 or 8. Can you imagine that I am calling a 7 or 8 mile walk "taking it easy". Who woulda thunk it?

My doctor's office called tonight with the results of my liver function tests. One is back to normal and the other is still elevated but nearly 4 times lower than the day after I passed the stone. Phew! So it looks like my liver was just reacting to his neighbor, Mr. Gallbladder's, turmoil. What an empathetic liver I have. He is still a little sad but he is going to be okay. Maybe he knows that Mr. Gallbladder will be leaving the neighborhood soon.

I will keep you posted after I see the surgeon. Thanks for all the well-wishes.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

One Helluva Week

Grab a refreshment, this is a long one...

It turns out I should have never mentioned putting an end to my Happy News series. That quickly turned this week into a real sh*! storm (my new favorite phrase - thank you, Julie S).

Where to begin? Well, last weekend was THE big training weekend. Saturday was an 18 mile walk and Sunday was 15 miles. Despite the crappy weather, I completed both and was pretty frickin' proud of myself! Saturday, I left the house at 5:30am and walked 7 miles, ending where else but at my hair dressers. I got my hair cut, changed into a prickle-free shirt, stopped at Whole Foods for a water, banana, and dairy, soy, and gluten-free energy bar (thank you, LARABAR) and walked another 11 miles. The last 2 miles of this were brutal. My legs cramped up pretty badly and when I walked in the front door my husband said, "You look rough." Thanks, honey.

After some pain reliever and a good lunch, I felt a thousand times better. I was still really sore and my right leg was super-crampy but I was moving at least. Taking off my sneakers and socks, I noticed some swelling on my right shin. I kept my feet up and assumed it was one of my infamous hives. By the morning it was much better so I didn't worry too much.

Sunday morning at 6:00am, we got the kids up and the whole family headed into Newton. They dropped me off, in the rain, near Boston College and I walked home via the Boston Marathon route to Framingham. Saturday's 18 miles was done in two loops. One all within Framingham and the second to Sudbury and back. This makes 18 miles seem less far. Walking to Framingham from BC makes 15 miles seem really freakin' far. The rain, although it cleared up at one point, did not help. Sherri and I had originally planned to try to get together for these long ones because they are so boring by yourself, but the craptastic weather left us both unsure if we would walk at all. Plus, these long training walks really irritate her plantar faciitis. She has to save herself for the real thing.

Anyhoooo...when I got home on Sunday, I felt much better than I did the day before, but the swelling in my shin was back. The swelling was an odd shape, red, and warm to the touch and then I also had some pain and tightness in my calf. My husband scared the hell out of my twice before with blood clots in his legs. Since this thing with my leg had gone away with rest and then came back, I started to wonder. Sunday night, more rest and elevation. Monday morning, fine. Monday, errands and running around on feet all day. Monday night, pain and swelling back.

Tuesday, I went to the doctor. After an ultrasound, they determined it was not a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and felt it could be a small clot in a surface vein or some sort of infection. They sent me home with a prescription for antibiotics and orders to "take it easy" for at least the rest of the week.

Wednesday, I felt much better after 2 days off from walking. There was very little redness and swelling and the pain was gone. I filled the prescription anyway and was going to start it on Thursday morning. Did you know that at Stop & Shop antibiotics are free? Where have I been?

3 am on Thursday, I woke from a dead sleep with stomach pains like none I have EVER experienced before. First thought: gas. I took some gas reliever that did nothing of the sort. Second thought: heart burn. A handful of Tums helped a tiny bit for about 30 minutes. Then the pain doubled and started to radiate to my chest, back, and shoulders. Third thought: the ultrasound missed the DVT, I've thrown the clot, and now I am dying from a pulmonary embolism. This is when I woke my husband. Fourth thought: Get a grip, it's heart burn. The rest of the night is a blur but I know I spoke with my doctor who said to take some Prilosec and head to the ER if that did not work. I know my husband was at 24 hour Walgreen's at one point. I took more heart burn stuff and did actually drive to the ER but turned around in the parking lot when I thought I was feeling some relief. Damned if I was going to be the ass who payed the emergency room copay for a case of heartburn. The pain ended around 10:30 am and I was back to the doctor's office that afternoon.

After some blood work and another ultrasound, I found out I had gallstones but the Nurse Practitioner was concerned because my blood work showed trouble with my liver function. It's too late to make a long story short but I will give you the Cliffs Notes version of the rest. I was then tested for hepatitis A, B, and C because of the liver function issues. Can you imagine? I was thinking I would have to confess to shooting up and having unprotected sex while getting pierced and tattooed with my many boyfriends, which I swear, I quit shortly after college (just kidding, mom). Either that or my husband would have to confess to the same. Both were almost better alternatives to thinking about how I would have gotten hepatitis A, which you contract by eating food that has come in contact with the feces of an infected person. Yum. Well, it turns out that I do not have hepatitis from any part of the alphabet, thank God, but that I passed a gallstone which causes temporary problems with liver function. So I have to have another liver function test on Monday and need to see the gastroenterologist this week who thinks I should have my gallbladder removed.

So this is my plan. I will have the blood work done and will see the gastrenterologist but unless there is another major stone-passing incident in the next 3 weeks, I am not having surgery until after the 3-Day. I will be damned if I am going to get sidelined now. Seriously? Seriously.

Sherri keeps telling me that it's okay and I should take care of myself and not worry about the walk. She is being a good friend but I ain't goin' no where but the finish line, baby! Not after the hundreds of miles in training and the thousands of dollars raised. I know what she is really thinking is, "Seriously? It's just one sh*! storm after another with us!" This has been a long standing phenomenon with Sherri and me. Whenever something crazy is happening with her or her family (like the fact that she AND her husband have plantar faciitis right now), something crazy comes up with me (gallstones) or vice verse. When I was pregnant with my son, Sherri was pregnant with twins. One of her kids would get sick, mine were sick within the week. She'd have car trouble, I'd get a flat. You see? So when Sherri got cancer, I just assumed it was a matter of time for me. I have been so lucky that the pattern did not show itself there. I HAVE to do this walk! It's my repayment to my lucky stars.

The bottom line is things could always be worse but this was one helluva week. I will keep you posted but you can count on me making every effort to finish what I started here. Everyone do a little gallbladder dance for me. Be creative and interpretive. By the way, my leg is fine. NO idea what that was about since I never took the antibiotics. What the hell, they were free.

Onto a new week. I start my summer position as Inclusion Facilitator at 2 rockin' camps in Newton. Can't wait to see what is in store there.

Thanks for reading. More later...